
Walk for the Children in Bangladesh – A Different Kind of Christmas

Walk for the Children in Bangladesh – A Different Kind of Christmas

My name is Eleni – I am just someone who wants to make a difference. I have taken it upon myself to travel to developing countries and start training alternative therapists in the places they are needed most – orphanages, blind schools and schools for the disabled – all off my own bat and out of my own pocket. I also happen to be 90% blind.

A group of Doctors in Bangladesh, who are in charge of 8 medical centres throughout the poorest parts of Dhaka, have come to me for help as they have over 4000 children who are in need of care and treatments outside of traditional medicine. I want to send 20 therapists there in February to run a hands on training program and treat as many of these children as we can. We need $45,000 AUD to make this happen. This covers flights, accomodation and food only – no-one will be getting paid.

This Christmas I will be walking, mostly alone, from Brisbane to Byron Bay to raise money for this project. People ask me how will I do all this when I’m blind. I tell them “If we don’t pitch in, then these children have nothing. There is no-one else.”

So, I am appealing to you. To carry out this work, we need funds. I will be walking for these children instead of eating seafood and opening presents. Will you help? Leave a donation in this box if you have only a little to spare. If you are generous enough to help on a larger scale, you can make a donation using the sidebar on any page of this website, or you can visit our non-profit crowdfunding project site at


  1. Robyn

    I’ve said it before and I’m going good to say it again!! You are an Earth Angel Eleni! A true inspiration and example to humanity xxxx

    1. Eleni

      Thank you Robyn. You inspire me with the work you do for children. We must both be Earth Angels xxx

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